Coffee and an oatmeal cookie seemed like such a good idea.
A nice Coffee Shop in Eureka, a pleasant assistant, a free table. All set.
"So, are your goin' far?" I looked up to an older version of me, bearded, smiling. Much greyer (honestly, it is possible). Propping up his bike, similarly loaded with panniers.
In the midst of conversing, another customer joined in. He had a Dalai Lama smile and a round belly that would test the Buddha himself. We chatted about this and that and they both ooh-ed and aah-ed at the long distance I was cycling.
BuddhaMan then asked OlderBob "What's that knife you're carrying?".
"Oh, it's a little beauty. Has this here serrated edge - the latest model"
"You should take a look at this one" (Will men ever stop showing off their toys?)
In one slick move he retrieved the weapon from his pocket and flicked the 9" blade open.
"Now, that's what you want"
I tried not to flinch. This looked like something from the set of Rambo - or Crocadile Dundee.
"Mutilator II" he intoned, with some reverence. "That sucker will pierce a leather jacket and make sure a trip to hospital is necessary".
I tried to look appropriately impressed. He pocketed the knife and I pushed my cookie around the plate a while. Dalai Lama my eye!
Later I got this description of the knife:
9" The Mutilator II Action Assisted Knife - Black. This is "Edged for the Enemy" Our Mutilator is back and updated for a sequel. This 9" monster is something you need in your arsenal. Like it's predecessor, the blade is German surgical steel and was designed in the USA by Retired Col. George Covey. Made by our own Tiger USA. Complete with a skull crusher/window breaker, your Mutilator is ready to do what it's made to do: Mutilate! Includes belt clip. Get yours today.
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